武漢ウイルスは,武漢ウイルス研究所から流出したもので,ファウチ達は,USA国内で禁止されていた機能獲得研究を中国で行っており,その為の資金も提供していたのだ. 議会証言で偽証を行った事で告発されているのだが,地球人に生じた結果は甚大であり,人類に対する罪である. アメリカ合衆国が最終的に決定する罪として,第二次大戦後に日本人に課した絞首刑に匹敵する罪深さである.
The Wuhan virus was leaked from the Wuhan Virus Research Institute, where Fauci and his colleagues were conducting and funding research in China to acquire functions that were forbidden in the United States. They are accused of perjuring themselves in congressional testimony. But the consequences for the people of the earth are enormous, a crime against humanity as a whole. The punishment that the United States will ultimately decide on is at least equivalent to the hangings imposed on the Japanese after World War II.
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